A New Year—-Changes—Adventures–Good Times—Sad Times–2012 is Here!

A new year has arrived, and it is time to talk about changes, or some call them resolutions. 12 Hills Dog Rescue has begun the new year with a BIG CHANGE!  We moved the dogs into their new 40’x60′ kennel. It is very nice and they seem to be enjoying the heated floor and better lighting. We noted that several of the dogs were upset with the change. It will take a few days for them to adjust and feel comfortable in a new place.  Change is hard for everyone.  But, change is usually good if we examine why we are changing.  I am hoping this year to find better ways of matching dogs to families. I think it will begin with a simple checklist.  I believe in keeping it simple, but sometimes more paperwork is necessary.

Adventures: are always part of running a dog rescue. Each dog can be an adventure–loving-helping them recover from their trauma and restoring them to better physical and emotional health.

Good Times–When a dog and family bond–when we are sent stories and pictures and can see the love and contentment in the dogs eyes–it’s good times for us.

Sad Times— When something bad happens to a dog, it is sad times for us. Pixie, a gal we just adopted this weekend, slipped her collar and ran. She is now loose in the country and frightened and alone.  So far, we haven’t found her. We are praying for good results and that she will find her way to a farm-house and allow someone to bring her back.

Yes, 2012 is here!!!  A new year and a special thanks to all those who gave our doggies forever homes in 2011! We couldn’t have done it without you.